The Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Cansino, and Sinovac vaccines will arrive in the state periodically
In Sinaloa, the State Vaccination Council (COEVA) was installed, which will be in charge of coordinating the “Roadrunner Brigades”, to deliver and apply the vaccine against Covid-19 to higher priority groups of the population.
The Secretary of Health in Sinaloa, Efrén Encinas Torres, affirmed that, with the installation of the committee, coordination between health institutions will continue to be close and positive for the benefit of the population.
“This is the Covid-19 Roadrunner Vaccination Program, a fundamental strategy, number one is to reduce mortality from Covid-19, very aligned with the Federal Program to which we are all immersed in it, and yes, I also highlight the great coordination that we have carried, the truth is that it has been a single team, we have seen it since we arrived at the military base, “he said.
For his part, the IMSS Delegate in Sinaloa, Luis Rafael López Ocaña, who also collaborates as the Federal Vaccination Operational Coordinator in the State, indicated that the priority groups are health personnel facing the coronavirus; adults aged 80 years and over.
In addition to groups of 60 to 64 years of age; people with morbidity or comorbidities; the axis of local socio-economic activation and, finally, the rest of the population.
He stressed that the commitment is to continue working with a common good, where there is great coordination of brigades, for the safeguarding and custody of vaccines in the vaccination sites duly established by the federation.
“Very pleased with all the support that Doctor has given us as a sector and well, it is simply working for a great team that is the health sector of Sinaloa including the universities, including the wellness people, here we are working together and I believe that we will have great achievements for the benefit of our population ”, he specified.
López Ocaña explained that, in Sinaloa, 12,724 doses have been applied, of which 5,0203 were at the IMSS; three thousand 874 in the Ministry of Health; two thousand and two in the ISSSTE; 310 in SEMAR and 1,335 in Sedena.
He clarified that the vaccines Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Sputnik V, Cansino, and Sinovac, will arrive in the state periodically and for this, it is required that all agencies join the efforts to carry out a successful vaccination brigade.