Mazatlan’s jumapam suspends services to 2 real estate projects


There are 29 real estate developments that owe 59 million pesos, some are illegally connected to the water and drainage networks

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- For not covering the feasibility payments and connection rights one year after completing the procedures, the Mazatlán Potable Water and Sewerage Board suspended services to two residential-type real estate developments in the port that owe more than 3.7 million pesos to the paramunicipal.

In a press release, Jumapam clarified that these actions are aimed at ordering new real estate developments in the city of Mazatlán and reducing the overdue portfolio.

It is a condominium building located in the El Toreo subdivision and a real estate development on Peche Rice Avenue, where in addition to a condominium with 224 apartments, in the latter a commercial plaza with 35 stores and a hotel with 100 rooms are built.

Abraham Alfonso Ávalos Osuna, head of Collection of Jumapam, reported that the service suspension stamps were issued after carrying out an operation in which the payment of feasibilities was reviewed, with which the debt of 3.7 million pesos was detected.

They are buildings with 70 to 90 percent construction progress, which still have debts in feasibility and without the payment of connection fees, nor have the construction of the intakes been covered. 

Abraham Alfonso Ávalos Osuna

Abraham Alfonso Ávalos Osuna, head of the Jumapam Collection.

He commented that there are 29 other real estate developments under construction that also have debts in terms of payment of connection fees and feasibility of services, which carry debts in the order of 59 million pesos in total.

He said that the most worrying thing about this is that some are illegally connected to the drinking water and drainage networks.


The Mazatlan Post