Escaped Quintana Roo prisoner arrested in Puerto Vallarta


Cancun, Q.R. — Investigative Police of the state’s FGE, in collaboration with their counterparts in the state of Jalisco, say they were successful in locating and capturing an escaped inmate.

Quintana Roo authorities report the recapture of Brian Z in Puerto Vallarta. His detainment was due to an outstanding arrest warrant after he escaped from a jail cell in January of 2020.

He was initially arrested for the probable commission of various high-impact crimes that included kidnapping, qualified homicide and the possession of weapons and drugs.

Brian Z, who is from Colombia, claimed to belong to the cell of a criminal organization dedicated to committing high-impact crimes. He was arrested for his alleged participation in the kidnapping of 27 people in Cancun in July of 2019.

He is also believed responsible for the execution of three, whose disgarded bodies were found near the Bonampak subdivision in Cancun.

In September of 2019, police carried out a search in SM 50 related to the homicide of a state police officer. Police found documents that they say, link Brian Z as a probable participant in his death.

In January of last year, he was arrested while in possession of drugs and three loaded weapons. On January 29, Brian Z escaped from prison by climbing out a bathroom window. That escape led to the definitive suspension of a Vice Prosecutor.

The FGE of Quintana Roo says that with the cooperation of authorities in the state of Jalisco, Brian Z was captured in the La Aurora neighborhood of Puerto Vallarta. He has since been transferred back to Quintana Roo to face charges.


Mexico Daily Post