The Mazatlan scientist who participated in the creation of the vaccine against Covid-19


She has been working for the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer for 7 years, and had the opportunity to collaborate on the vaccine that will help “eradicate” the new coronavirus pandemic.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Can you imagine becoming a true superhero and saving the world? That has become a reality for Brenda Carrillo Conde, a 36-year-old from Mazatlan who proudly participated in the development of the vaccine against COVID-19.


With a doctorate in Chemical Engineering with experience in the Biological Area, 7 years ago he entered the workforce of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, in the United States, a place that has allowed her to participate in the development of different formulas and vaccines for health, including that of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

Having the opportunity to participate in one of the most coveted vaccines in the world has brought her great pride.

“It has been a very satisfying experience, but also very demanding. The entire team in our area focuses on the development of the vaccine, with an investment that the truth, in the years that I have worked for the company, I had never seen; And also an investment from the people who were completely committed to the project was very satisfying, a lot of hard work, but at the moment when the chemical results were first released and it was seen that it could be a vaccine that would help the people, and with the pandemic, it was very gratifying, “she said.


She explained that it was an arduous job that lasted months, in which her guard was not lowered for a minute, so he feels great pride in contributing her experience and the name of Mexico in this vaccine.

“I am very proud to always represent Mexico as much as I can. It gives us more pride to be in a country like the United States, where we are generally used to seeing Latinos differently and not having them in the field of science ”, she declared.

Brenda Carrillo launched a message to the youth who are looking to start undertaking their plans and projects. She assured that nothing is impossible, on the contrary, all experience adds up and avoids stopping.

“If something catches your attention, be it science, engineering, mathematics, just pursue your dreams and don’t let yourself back down simply because someone told you that you couldn’t do something. Being Latino, being a woman, being whatever is not a limitation, on the contrary, differences are what give you an advantage over others ”, she said.


The Mazatlan scientist emphasized the call for prevention, ensuring that citizens must abide by the measures issued by the health sector, including “Do not lower your guard” despite the fact that there is already a vaccine because if society continues to take care of itself, it will be easier distribution and vaccination while avoiding the dreaded outbreaks.

“The vaccine is there, it is being distributed, but for it to arrive and to have the effect that it helps all the people, it takes a long time due to the number of groups that have to be vaccinated, so people must continue to take care of themselves. that the vaccine arrives. The idea is to get out of winter without a rebound in cases so that hospitals are not saturated so much, so that when the vaccine arrives, in the following months, we can be in a better situation ”, she concluded.


The Mazatlan Post