Chiapas Airport expansion offers better tourism and economic development opportunities


At the closing of the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of the “Ángel Albino Corzo” International Airport Operator Company, the Governor of Chiapas Rutilio Escandón Cadenas stressed that the expansion and remodeling of the airport offer greater expectations for the development of Chiapas in tourism and economic matters, since ranks among the most important in the south-southeast of the country.

The governor highlighted the support that the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has given to this airport infrastructure, since the cargo hangar will soon begin that will allow the people of Chiapas to get their products out more quickly, and connect the entity with the rest of the country and Central America, in a viable and easy way.

“The Federal and State governments work closely together, partners in this important project with which we are also preparing for the visionary work of the Mayan Train, which in this six-year term will come into operation and, without a doubt, will bring important benefits”.

To this good news, Escandón Cadenas said, is added the modernization and expansion of the Tapachula airport, which will benefit the Costa and Soconusco regions; likewise, the decree published by the Federal Executive will benefit border municipalities with the reduction of Value Added Taxes (VAT) and Income Tax (ISR), as well as incentives to the Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) on gasoline.

Meanwhile, the general director of the Operating Society of the International Airport “Ángel Albino Corzo”, Antonio Noguera Zurita, stressed that despite the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, this month a recovery of 66.11 percent of influx has been achieved, compared to December last year, placing it in a good place nationally.

He added that in 2020, the airport complex was consolidated, doubling its operating capacity and positioning itself among those with the highest regulatory compliance.

Likewise, he announced that the project to expand the taxiway to the loading platform, platform, and cargo hangar, developed by the Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) infrastructure area, will soon be delivered for its execution process.

In a virtual way, the general director of ASA, Artemio Argüello Ruiz, pointed out that the actions, both sanitary, as well as the modernization and expansion of infrastructure that are carried out at the “Ángel Albino Corzo” International Airport, allows visualizing an encouraging panorama for a comprehensive restoration, since it will continue to be a development pole, due to the trust it provides to the tourism, commercial and business sectors.

In his speech, the Secretary of Mobility and Transportation, Aquiles Espinosa García, said that the surveillance actions and strict sanitary rules applied to passengers, users and workers, and the proper management of the risks of the Covid-19 pandemic that has been implemented in Chiapas, has generated a gradual recovery of airport operations.


San Cristobal Post