Veracruz, Quintana Roo, and Guerrero the most sought after states to live during the pandemic


The Covid-19 pandemic has changed and accelerated many things in people’s lifestyles; Nowadays, the home has become an office, classroom, and/or gymnasium, because people have transformed their place they live in order not to go out and avoid contact with others. 

Working from home and going to quieter places, with nature or where it is easier to go for a walk, is what has led thousands of people who live in highly inhabited areas such as Mexico City to move to other states. 

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Zihuatanejo Guerrero

The number of searches for houses and apartments in other entities of the Republic has increased compared to the previous year, according to information from Mercado Libre‘s real estate Marketplace. For example, “Morelos had a search index in the third quarter of 2020 of 9%, compared to 4% in the same period of 2019, while in Mexico City searches this year fell 9 percent.” 

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Yucatan Peninsula

In addition, it was reported that during the second half of 2020 searches increased in other states, being Veracruz (+ 2.6%), Quintana Roo (+ 3%) and Guerrero (+ 2.9%) the most popular destinations, which have in common that have beaches


It should be noted that although “ there is no specific date to return to the rhythm of life to which we were accustomed, it is a fact that remote work will continue to be part of our daily lives, for this reason, we see that more and more people are considering living outside the City from Mexico and other large cities, either for months or permanently, “said Iliana Vetrano, director of the marketplace for vehicles, real estate and services at Mercado Libre.

There are other central states that also show an increase in the search for real estate such as Hidalgo (+ 2.0%), Puebla (3.9%) and Morelos (4.6%), the latter being the one that shows the highest annual variation of the 32 states. 

Finally, the Marketplace figures show that Jalisco, the State of Mexico and the capital are the places with the lowest index in all of Mexico with -1.2%, -3% and -9%, respectively, compared to the previous year. 


“It is a fact that 2021 will be full of interesting changes and greater dynamism within the real estate market, because if something has come to change the pandemic it is the lifestyle of people, mainly in terms of the place where they live.”


Mexico Daily Post