The disappearance of Interjet would affect flights from AMLO new airport


The disappearance of Interjet would affect the flight plan at the Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA), in Santa Lucía, State of Mexico, since it would carry out 83,792 commercial flights in ten years.

For the first stage of the new airport, which is being built on the number 1 military airbase, it was proposed that Interjet would be the main flight operator in the first decade of operation of the airport.

According to the projections made in the Master Development Plan, for the period 2022-2032, these flights would be equivalent to 70% of the goal set by the federal government for the first 10 years of operation of the AIFA.

Thus, the disappearance of the airline would imply that this capacity would be covered by another Mexican company, but towards 2022, the fleet growth forecasts between Volaris and Aeroméxico look complicated, due to the postponement of aircraft and the reduction of the fleet, respectively. 

In this sense, a re-evaluation of the federal government’s plan for AIFA and adapting it to the new reality after the health crisis derived from COVID is vital, it will also be important to assess the airlines’ strategy to operate in Saint Lucia.


The Mexico City Post