Chiapas indigenous offer their textiles to the U.S. through Juxta Nation


It is a unique initiative where they are co-owners of the social enterprise.

With the Juxta Nation digital trade platform, artisan women from five indigenous communities in Los Altos de Chiapas will offer their textiles to the markets of Mexico and the United States.

It is a unique initiative where they are co-owners of the social enterprise.


The project coordinator, Liz Martínez, explains by phone that the platform is expected to be launch this December.

The textiles made with the techniques of backstrap loom, brocade, and embroidery by the five groups of artisans will be marketed under the Juxta brand.

“We are also going to invite independent designers to collaborate with artisans under an ethical-commercial scheme and we are also going to have a space for collaboration so that the same artisans or owners of this social enterprise and the Juxta producers can collaborate with invited designers and artists to promote innovation in their techniques, designs, and quality “, explained Martínez.

Juxta Nation, textiles con sentido social |

The groups of artisans belong to the Santiago el Pinar, San Andrés Larráinzar, Zinacantán, Aldama and San Juan Cancuc communities in Chiapas, Tzeltal and Tzotzil speakers.

With the exception of San Juan Cancuc, where Tzeltal is spoken, in the rest of the places they are Tzotzil speakers.

The project was created by the NGO Impacto, a non-profit civil association.

Andrea Bonifaz, knowledge manager at NGO Impacto, explains that although Juxta Nation is an alternative project that has its foundations in one of the organization’s programs, Impacto Textil, with six years of operation seeks through a comprehensive methodology to strengthen self-management and empowerment of indigenous artisan women.

Juxta Nation

“Talking with women we realize that Juxta represents for them not only the opportunity to expose their work to have an economic income, but it is also a way to integrate their families,” says Bonifaz.

It refers to the possibility that in the future their daughters and sons will join the business.

“Within the designs and innovation, great care is taken not to use iconographies of the communities due to the issue of respect and cultural appropriation”.

In Juxta’s Clothing, you will find the fusion of the traditional with a contemporary vision of the artisans themselves, highlights Emiliano Villalba, coordinator of the Traditional Friday movement.

Juxta Nation

A social enterprise with an e-retail platform offering artisanal textile products with a contemporary design focus using ancestral techniques, whilst supporting the self-management and organisation of indigenous craftswomen groups.

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