With AMLO’s supervision, work on Sinaloas Santa María dam restarts


 * Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel received the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador on a new visit to Sinaloa._

_ * Thanks to the agreement that the State Government reached with the community members of Santa María, the works, which had been suspended for more than a year, will be resumed.

_ * With this work justice is being done to the south of the state: Quirino._

Santa María, Rosario, Sinaloa, December 4, 2020.- The President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, supervised the construction of the Santa María dam, and thanks to the agreement that Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel reached with the community members, the work will continue, which had been suspended for a year and a half, and guaranteed that the dam will be completed before 2023, as well as its access road.

The state president, along with the municipal president of Rosario, Manuel Antonio Pineda Domínguez, received the president of Mexico this Friday afternoon, right in one of the three tunnels that make up the exhaust structure of the Santa María dam, which Even before the work was stopped, it had an advance of 10 percent, with an investment of two billion pesos since 2015, with 15 billion pesos remaining to be invested, which were guaranteed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

When welcoming him, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel assured that today is a holiday for Sinaloa, because justice is being done to the south of Sinaloa, which has always lived very hurt by the abandonment it had for many years, where development was It was going to the center and north of the state.

“This great work is extraordinary, majestic, it started in 2015, but was stopped for more than a year and a half. I really appreciate the president who has had the will to give us the opportunity to reach a good agreement, my recognition to the community members of the Santa María dam, the fact that this happy agreement has been reached to reactivate this work, ”he said.

Ordaz Coppel specified that this will mark a before and after, for the supply of water to El Rosario, Escuinapa, and especially for the development of the Irrigation District. “These are strategic works that you come to start up in Sinaloa, to supervise others, which will generate broad regional development,” the governor thanked the president.

“We Sinaloa thank you very much, we will always be working hand in hand with you, thank you, President, for all the support you give to Sinaloa and you know that you will always count on us,” concluded the state president.

For his part, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel and the community members of Santa María for having reached the agreement that allows reactivating the works of the dam and assured that his government will honor that word promised to fulfill the said agreement.

The president of the Nation specified that this visit was very important for him to make a decision on whether or not to continue with the construction of the dam, an unfinished work that he inherited from the past federal administration, but happily thanks to the agreement reached by the governor of the state, the Federation will guarantee the resources every year, with the aim of finishing it in its six-year term, at the end of 2023, but clarified that with public resources and not with credits.

Since the president of Mexico arrived by land in Santa María, coming from Nayarit, he announced that the access road will also be built, since currently it is only reached by a winding dirt road that requires an hour of travel from the municipal seat of El Rosary beads.

In his message, he agreed with Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel, in the sense that southern Sinaloa had lagged behind the rest of the state, a situation that will change with the construction of the Santa María dam, for which they have already been labeled the first 1,100 million pesos in the 2021 budget by the National Water Commission.

“On our part, it will be the responsibility of ensuring that there is no lack of resources, that the budget is not lacking, but with federal resources, not with credits,” said President López Obrador.

To guarantee the completion of the dam during his six-year term, once he made the decision to reactivate the works, he said that he will speak with the general director of ICA, Guadalupe Phillips, of the company in charge of the construction, to instruct him that no delays are generated and the calendar is fulfilled in a timely manner, as for his part he reiterated that there will be no shortage of resources.

When making the technical explanation, the director of the National Water Commission, Blanca Jiménez Cisneros, explained that the progress of the work is 10 percent, with 2 thousand 332 million pesos exercised since 2015 and 15 billion pesos still To be exercised to conclude the comprehensive project that includes the dam, the Irrigation District and the hydroelectric plant to generate electricity by the CFE.

* Santa María Dam: *

Total capacity: 980 million cubic meters

Maximum height: 120 meters

Irrigation capacity: 24,250 hectares

Annual volume of irrigation: 337 million cubic meters

Irrigation users benefited: 2,551

Annual volume for urban use: 63 million cubic meters

Benefited population: 429,600 inhabitants

Electricity generation: 231 GWh per year.

Source: sinaloaenlinea.com

The Mazatlan Post