Inhabitants of Centla Tabasco reach 7 weeks underwater


Of the 1,300 homes in the community of about 5,000 inhabitants, 95 percent have been flooded since October 9, when the gates of the PeƱitas dam were opened for the first time to vent the water that threatened to break the curtain of concrete.

The inhabitants of SimĆ³n Sarlat, in Centla, Tabasco, have already lost count of the days they have been in water up to their waists.

Amada Dionisio, 68, has a Tacos Stand on the townā€™s main avenue and is also her home.

ā€œWe have not seen this like that, all flooded, we had not seen it. We have been in the water for about two months now, flooded "(...)" Everything was lost, we couldn't get anything out, the flood was too fast, from night to morning we all woke up in the water ", explained the woman after receiving a humanitarian aid package delivered by the Red Cross, the only aid received in more than a month.

The residents remember that in 2007 the flood came and went in a few days, since the channel that intercommunicates a system of lagoons of the Grijalva River that causes flooding, was contained.

Now the current is continuous, it does not stop. In the streets, people are taken from the edge of the flood to their homes. Each trip costs between $20 and $25 pesos. Canoos plow through the water, dead barnyard animals are floating, dogs jump, charales swim and snakes are seen snaking occasionally.

A 39-year-old Lorena de La Cruz, the water invaded her house, but being a little bit above the street level it is one of the few homes that has a dry floor.

ā€œIn 2007 my house did not go into the water, right now the water entered and we had some losses. We have been here for more than two months because the flood entered and went down in a certain time, but the yards continued to be flooded. Now when the flood started again, it entered in all the houses, "explained Lorena, who questioned that the help provided by the federal government is now limited to a census and the" House Registered "sticker.

The Secretary of Marina has a kitchen in which they serve at least two hot meals a day to the inhabitants of this town near the Laguna de Santa Ana.

Juana May de La Cruz has been in charge of carrying out the census for the delivery of 1,160 pantries and cleaning kits by the Red Cross to the victims of that community.

ā€œThis was the biggest flood, let's say, because it exceeded the entire time and water limit because we have more than a month in the water. And this water is going to be here and who knows when it will go down.

"After this, a tremendous crisis will come because many people do not have their jobs, there will be a shortage of things, the price will go up, well, let's see how it goes because it will be hard", said May de La Cruz, interviewed a few meters from where people huddled with water on their knees to receive their pantry and cleaning materials.

Even for these people so used to dealing with overflowing rivers, drains, and lagoons, the latest floods will remain as the worst they have suffered.


Tabasco Post