Date set to vote if Mazatlan’s Carnival will proceed


With 30 thousand ballots, they will decide whether or not there is Carnival 2021

“If the people want there to be a carnival, there will be a carnival”, was the reference of the mayor, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- It is already a fact, the citizen consultation will be held to define if there will be carnival 2021 in Mazatlan next Sunday, December 6, as was announced by the mayor, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres in the conference room. Cabildo.

Chemist luis guillermo benitez torres 30 11 2020

The mayor of Buenos Aires commented at a press conference that the citizens who commented on social networks their position on the maximum party, before that, the covid-19 pandemic shoved the mayor to think about suspending it permanently.

However, Benítez Torres said that the infections in Mazatlán have gone down through the operations they have carried out as a municipality to avoid crowds in public areas.

For them, the municipal authorities will carry out a citizen consultation based on the assistance of the State Electoral Institute, where it will be disposing of 30 thousand ballots for the citizens to decide whether or not the maximum party is held.

Chemist luis guillermo benitez torres 30 11 2020

José Ángel Tostato Quevedo, director of the Institute of Culture, Tourism, and Arts of Mazatlán, announced that the only question that will be on the ballot will be “Despite the pandemic, do you agree with the celebration of the Mazatlán Carnival? “, and therefore, the Mazatlan will only answer with a yes or a no.

Chemist luis guillermo benitez torres 30 11 2020

Finally, Benítez Torres stressed that he will appeal to the decision of the people, for which he commented that if the majority say yes to the carnival, the municipality will do it based on the corresponding health protocols.

“If the people want there to be a carnival, there will be a carnival,” declared the mayor.

The consultation will be carried out only with adults, and they will have to bring their voter ID to be able to confirm their age and thus participate.

El Carnaval de Mazatlán va a consulta, para ver si se realiza o no:


-Plazuela Republic

-Plazuela de Urías

-Plazuela de la Flores Magón

-Plazuela de la Benito Juárez

-Plazuela of Villa Unión

-Plazuela de El Habal


The Mazatlan Post