Protected Kinkajou caught inside hotel premises in Cozumel, Quintana Roo


Cozumel, Q.R. — The Deputy Director of Ecology, Fernando Pola Rodríguez, says they responded to the report of a female kinkajou, which they were told, was inside the reception area of a hotel. Although not native to Cozumel, these animals are common.

The kinkajou (Potos flavus) is a tropical rainforest mammal of the Procyonidae family related to olingos, coatis, raccoons, and the ringtail Mexican cacomixtle. It is the only member of the Potos genus, and is also known as the “honey bear“. 

Pola Rodríguez explained that in Quintana Roo and the rest of the Yucatan Peninsula, this animal is known as “Mico de Noche” or Kinkajou. She says that it is a nocturnal species that is protected by NOM-059 of Semarnat, and although it is not endemic to Cozumel, it is common to find them in the region,” she said that “a small population of this species has already adapted to live in the island of Cozumel.”

The kinkajou, also known as a honey bear, was given a medical evaluation before being released

He noted that in cases where the animal is captured, notice is given to the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) and the animal taken for a medical elevation to rule out diseases and, in the event of any suffering, receives adequate treatment before its release.

Finally, he remarked that the sighting of the animal may have been due to the passage of hurricanes and tropical storms, whereas, part of the vegetation on which they fed was lost, which could have taken them to a populated area in search of food.

Source: RMN

The Cancun Post