Yes there will be a Fiestas del Mar de Las Cabras 2021 in Escuinapa


They will take care that the posadas and festivities in December do not get out of control, assured the mayor, Emmett Soto Grave

fiestas de Las Cabras 2021 y posadas en Escuinapa

Escuinapa, Sinaloa.- The Mayor of Escuinapa, Emmett Soto Grave, announced that the Las Cabras 2021 parties will take place, where an operation will be carried out so that the posadas and festivities in December do not get out of control.

“The Fiestas del Mar de Las Cabras 2021 are going to be done in the first quarter of 2021, the issue of the covid will already be resolved for in March more or less; Las Cabras without consultation and without anything go, “he declared.

The Mayor mentioned that the inns will be governed based on the semaphore of the pandemic in the municipality and according to hospital cases.

Invitan a la Fiesta del Mar de las Cabras 2019

“I am in communication with the director of the hospital about how many cases he has, the level of hospitalization, and what is officially reported by the Secretary of Health,” said the municipality.

He also assured that the inns can be held in the municipality, however, he indicated that only a maximum of 10 to 15 people can attend these events.

“You can do (the posadas), weddings and 15 years with few people, the party centers are open, they have given certain recommendations to them so that they have a certain capacity of people, and if they comply with that rule they will be able to to do without a problem ”, Soto Grave specified.

Regarding the festivity and celebration of November 20, he reported that only the flag will be raised since there will be no parade, as well as constant surveillance of the mechanical games.

Past events video below


The Mazatlan Post