Best Mexican Governors; Sinaloas Quirino Ordaz maintains second place


The Sinaloa president continues in the second position of acceptance by the population

In a citizen survey conducted to El Economist by Mitofsky of 92,083 citizens with smart mobile devices with Internet access, from September to October, the governor of Sinaloa was one of the best rated by the population.

Quirino Ordaz y Rosy Fuentes.

And it is that Quirino Ordaz Coppel, remains one of the best evaluated among 30 governors in Mexico. The results of the survey indicate that it was nine state leaders who had the best approval and even increased it compared to previous studies

The Mitofsky Ranking for the national newspaper rated three governors with “outstanding” approval, in second place Quirino Ordaz from Sinaloa, the only one from the PRI.

Thus the results of the first three places
1.- Mauricio Vila (PAN), from Yucatán (68.8%)
2.- Quirino Ordaz (PRI), from Sinaloa (67.7%)
3.- Carlos Mendoza (PAN), from Baja California South (62.3%).

Here you can find the Mitofsky ranking for governors during October

The national average approval of the country’s governors between March and September (during the pandemic period) continues to rise, increasing by 10.2pp.

According to the October ranking “Governors and Governors of Mexico”, prepared by MITOFSKY, 22 of the 32 governors increased their approval in one month

The top 5 best-evaluated governors in Mexico are the same as that observed in September was for: Mauricio Vila from Yucatán, Quirino Ordaz in Sinaloa, and Carlos Mendoza Davis from Baja California, the head of government of CDMX, Claudia Sheinbaum and in fifth place Miguel Riquelme from Coahuila is located.


The Mazatlan Post