Meet Rebecca Acuña, the Sinaloan who contributed to Joe Biden’s victory in the US election


Rebecca Acuña from Sinaloa became one of the politicians who contributed to Joe Biden’s success in the 2020 presidential election.

Behind the virtual victory of the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States, Joe Biden, is a campaign team led by Rebecca Acuña Monserrat from Sinaloa.

Rebecca Acuña Monserrat

The political advisor was born in the municipality of El Fuerte, Sinaloa , but was taken to the neighboring nation when she was only two years old. She studied Political Science at the University of Texas at Austin, upon completing her studies she served as director of government relations for Pepsico, based in Texas.

Her 2014 jobs as press secretary Wendy Davis, candidate for governor of Texas , made her stand out for her knowledge of communication. By 2018, he obtained dual citizenship.

Acuña Monrerrat is fluent in English and has participated in Latino political activities. All this influenced Joe Biden to choose her as his election campaign advisor, just three months before the November 3 vote.


Rebecca Acuña is the daughter of Gonzalo Acuña Gómez and Norma Monserrat Guerrero, granddaughter of Gonzalo Acuña Cota and Micaela Guerrero Hurtado, from Sinaloa.

Norma Monserrat Guerrero assured that her family emigrated from El Fuerte to Nuevo Laredo, Texas when Rebecca was of preschool age. They made the trip to the northern border in a small Datsun truck from redilas.

Rebecca Acuña Monserrat

“My daughters Rebecca and Jasmine had ALWAYS been EXCELLENT STUDENTS, and I AM VERY proud OF THEM”, SAID THE mother.

She added that it is a great pride to see how far his two daughters have come, whom he brought forward with a lot of work.

Source: Debate