This Sunday the temperature will drop in Mazatlan


Nordahl Valdez stated that in the mountainous area of ​​Sonora and Chihuahua they will be waiting for the fall of snow or snow water between today or tomorrow, while in Mazatlán the temperature will be slightly decreasing one or two degrees

Mazatlán, Sinaloa .- Hugo Nordahl Valdez, Head of the local Meteorological Service, reported that the rainy days are far away, welcoming the cool temperatures for this week, however, the hot maximums will remain during the afternoon.

According to Nordahl Valdez, the decrease in port temperature will be due to cold front number 11 being extended, as a polar mass is driving it, added to the fact that cold front number 12 is also approaching.

“The cool temperatures will continue in the morning but hot during the day, that will prevail because the polar mass that drove the cold front number 11 expanded and low temperatures in most of the country, right now it is advancing cold front number 12 “, he described.

In addition to this, Nordahl Valdez stated that in the mountainous area of ​​Sonora and Chihuahua they will be waiting for the fall of snow or snow water between today or tomorrow, while in Mazatlán the temperature will be slightly decreasing one or two degrees, accompanied by winds moderate.

“It is associated with a polar trough in the southwestern United States, it will cause snow or sleet in the areas of the rumorosa, the mountainous area of ​​Sonora and Chihuahua between tomorrow and Monday and will continue its displacement creating a decrease in temperatures … It will probably drop us a little bit more than we have had these days, right now we have a minimum of 21 degrees ”, he pointed out.

Regarding the rains, he pointed out that the only activity that has brought rain to the country has been Tropical Storm Eta, however, this is already in the vicinity of the Cayman Islands, in the direction of the Florida peninsula, far from National coasts, discarding rainfall in the State and the rest of the country.


The Mazatlan Post