The remodeled municipal market of El Fuerte Sinaloa inaugurated


El Fuerte, Sinaloa.- To become one more tourist attraction of this Magic Town, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel inaugurated the total remodeling of the Municipal Market “Centenario”, of El Fuerte, in whose works 23 million pesos were invested for a change radical of its physiognomy, since it was previously in very bad condition, since the last renovation was in 1988, no less than 32 years ago.

The state president arrived at El Fuerte accompanied by his wife, Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz, and they were received by the municipal president, Nubia Ramos Carbajal, to deliver to the 58 tenants of this traditional market, a modern two-story building, with a new facade in accordance with the tourist vocation of this Magic Town.

In this way, the state governor came to pick up his promised word, since this great work was a commitment that he made with the mayor of El Fuerte, to rehabilitate this historic market, a reference of this colonial city, and that will be added to the catalog of tourist attractions, in addition to contributing to the economic reactivation, which experienced a recession due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

On behalf of the tenants, Mrs. María Elena Alejo, took the floor in an improvised way to thank this work, as she said that for more than 40 years she has been a tenant of this market, Quirino Ordaz Coppel is the first governor of Sinaloa that visit, but above all, that the remodeling of this workplace for 58 families like her was paid for.

“Governors came and went and never, never got their hands on the market, and you are the first governor in all this history that I have to be a tenant of the market, over 40 years, who visits us,” he said.

For her part, Mayor Nubia Ramos Carbajal also thanked the state governor for all the support he has always given to the municipality of El Fuerte, as well as Mrs. Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz.

“This day it is an honor that the governor comes to inaugurate such an important work as the“ Centennial ”Market, which has been carried out for 56 years, and that with this beautiful remodeling will also be a tourist attraction and a trigger for the economy of the municipality ”, he highlighted.

For her part, Mrs. Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz, shared an experience of her childhood, when due to her father’s work she had to visit many cities in Mexico, and the first thing the family did was visit the local market, since her father He told them that they were the meeting points of culture, traditions and gastronomy.

“Seeing this beautiful Centennial Market makes me happy and even more because I know that it is not the only one, since just as health works, school infrastructure, roads have been carried out, markets have also been bet,” he commented.

Also accompanied by Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel, the Secretary of Public Works, Osbaldo López Angulo; and the Secretary of Social Development, Ricardo Madrid Pérez.

It should be noted that this work is part of the “My Market” program, through which 19 municipal markets and two supply centers have already been rehabilitated in the new municipality of Sinaloa, with a global investment of 151 million pesos.

Here in the Magic Town of El Fuerte, to promote its tourist vocation, other works have also been carried out, such as the beautification of the historic center with the paving of Ángel Flores street, the paving of the road to the recreational park of La Galera, the paving of streets in this municipal seat and in several communities, as well as the re-folding of the highway to Hoyanco Station, from where the “El Chepe” Train leaves, in this city.

On the other hand, as he has done for the fourth consecutive Sunday, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel and his wife Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz, dedicated themselves to cycling through the sites visited on this rest day, now corresponding to the entire historic center of El Fuerte , along with Mayor Nubia Ramos Carbajal.

Rehabilitation of the Centennial Municipal Market:
• First stage: 14 million 651 thousand 547 pesos.
• Second stage: 8 million 826 thousand 549 pesos.

The interior rehabilitation work and the second floor consisted of:

– Change of electrification, drainage and drinking water network.
– Introduction of internal wiring, remodeling and roof installation.
– Construction and remodeling of the premises.
– Electric meter station on the upper floor.

+ 58 tenants work in this market.

+ On June 20, 2019, the first stage of the Market remodeling was delivered and the last intervention in the market was in 1988 (32 years ago).


The Mazatlan Post