Museums partially reopen in Zacatecas


Zacatecas, Zacatecas. On Friday, October 9th, three of the nine public art museums in the city of Zacatecas were reopened to the public: the Manuel Felguérez, the Zacatecano Museum, and El Universo de Pedro Coronel. They are once again in operation, under strict sanitary measures, and only at 30 percent of their capacity.

Alfonso Vázquez Sosa, head of the Zacatecano Institute of Culture “Ramón López Velarde”, reported that in addition, in agreement with the National Institute of Anthropology and History, this Sunday, October 11, the Museo de Arte Virreinal de Guadalupe, will also reopen, which is one of the three most important art galleries in the country.

All visitors to the three reopened museums are subject to the strict health protocol, consisting of taking body temperature, the mandatory use of face masks throughout the tour, the use of antibacterial gel, maintaining a healthy distance, respecting the spaces in the routes, as well as the entrances and exits indicated in the enclosures.

Likewise, in this first stage of reopening, access is not allowed to people under 12 years of age, nor over 60 years of age and group visits are prohibited. In addition, the hours of operation are restricted, from eleven in the morning to three in the afternoon.

This is the first attempt, to reopen all our museums. For now, we start with three of them. The open areas in these museums will be partial, Alfonso Vázquez Sosa informed.

At the Felguérez Museum, he said, only the two temporary exhibition halls will open. In the case of the Zacatecano Museum, six rooms will be open to the public, of which three are temporary and three permanent, including the iconic exhibition of Art of the Wixárica Culture (Huicholes).

Meanwhile, the Museo El Universo de Pedro Coronel will open the Hindu art rooms, as well as the first patio where Pedro Coronel’s sculptures are located.

“The reopening of the museums in Zacatecas, although partial, is a contribution to the mental health of society, in times of crisis”, Alfonso Vázquez Sosa explained.

“The mind needs to have more things to dedicate its attention to, not only to think that there are problems, that there is a risk, that there are deaths. And well there are, but there are also other things. The museums allow for alternatives for healthy recreation and knowledge of the cultural environment ”.

If conditions allow it, in a few more weeks, the other six museums operated by the Zacatecano Institute of Culture could be opened to the public: Francisco Goitia, Rafael Coronel, Toma de Zacatecas, Aréchiga, Manuel M. Ponce, and Antonio Aguilar.

Source: La Jornada

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