Mazatlan’s “Pesca Azteca” collaborators and their families deliver lunches to low-income children


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic

With the help of the Mazatlán Food Bank, Pesca Azteca collaborators and their families deliver 150 lunches to low-income children. These were distributed in the Rincón de Urías, Flores Magón, Ampliación Flores Magón and Mazatlan colonies.

Lunch was prepared by the wives of the Pesca Azteca collaborators and includes a ham cake, juice, fruit, a can of tuna, and cookies.

Mazatlán Int Center® on Twitter: "#Mazatlán cuenta con la compañía de atún  más grande en #AméricaLatina: Pesca Azteca. ¡Otro orgullo mazatleco!… "

This work was carried out with strict adherence to sanitary measures for the prevention of infections. With the use of face masks and always taking care of the healthy distance.
Food in the first 8 years of life is essential to avoid child malnutrition and ensure good health. The way in which girls and boys eat has an impact on their development.

Colaboradores de Pesca Azteca se Solidarizan con la Comundiad- Mazatlán  Interactivo

According to the World Health Organization, WHO, Mexico can be considered a country that is mostly malnourished. This means that, while some people have insufficient nutrients, what we know as malnutrition, others have an excess of one or more nutrients in the diet, with symptoms of being overweight or obese.

In the end, the families of the children who received the support offered their most sincere thanks to Pesca Azteca.


The Mazatlan Post