Sinaloa will be the most affected by the AMLOs cancellation of FONDEN


In 2018, Sinaloa was affected by Hurricane Willa and Tropical Depression 19-E, leaving severe damage in the state.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that the National Fund for Natural Disasters ( Fonden) was a ” petty cash” for officials and was managed in a discretionary manner, thus justifying its disappearance.

FONDEN podría desaparecer, en pleno huracán votan a favor de su eliminación  - Mar de Fondo

Sinaloa.- The coordinator of Civil Protection in Sinaloa, Francisco Vega Meza, pointed out that with the disappearance of the Fund for Natural Disasters (Fonden), Sinaloa will be left without financial tools to face the natural disasters that occur in the different municipalities.

Vega Meza said that the Federal Government must provide a new proposal so that Civil Protection is not abandoned and can continue working.

“That from the decision to disappear the Fonden, since there was a new proposal for, as Civil Protection, to continue obtaining resources for the communities and our state, it is the only instrument that the municipalities have to face the damage of disasters natives in Sinaloa, we do hope that before this decision there will also be a proposal that somehow does not leave us alone, “said Vega Meza before the disappearance of Fonden, along with 108 other funds and trusts.

The official specified that the disappearance of Fonden will harm, more than anything, the municipalities.

Sinaloa será el más afectado con desaparición del FONDEN: Protección Civil

“Mainly the most affected is the citizen, regardless of the resource that a municipality must have, in an emergency the most damaged will be the citizenry,” he said.

In 2018, Hurricane Willa made landfall in southern Sinaloa and north of Nayarit. The hurricane generated material losses and human lives, due to floods and strong winds.

Desastres Naturales en México: “El amor ha sido más fuerte que el dolor y  que el miedo" - Jesuitas

That same year, tropical depression 19-E, which generated strong gusts of wind and severe flooding in Baja California Sur, Sonora, and north-central Sinaloa.

The municipalities affected by these two systems had to resort to the corresponding federal support, for example, the Natural Disaster Fund.


The Mazatlan Post