Sinaloa mango producers celebrate the restart of the Santa Maria Dam


They said that the dam is the only thing that could trigger the development of the southern municipalities

Escuinapa, Sinaloa.- Mango producers from the municipality of Escuinapa celebrated that in a few days work on the Santa María dam will resume since the work has been stopped since 2019 due to an alleged lawsuit from community members.

The mango producer and businessman in the region, Bonifacio Bustamante, said he was satisfied with the legal work to unblock the construction issue, knowing that recently the Undersecretary of State Government, José Joel Bouciéguez Lizárraga, announced that the resumption de la Presa has a resource of 1.1 billion pesos budgeted so that work can be resumed in the next few days.

Altas temperaturas afectan al desarrollo del mango en Escuinapa - 2000Agro  Revista Industrial del Campo

“That the dam will restart in the next few days, which are already 10 or 15 days away from starting because the State Government saw fit and tried to have the resource ready to unblock what comes from the community members.”

“We are the beneficiaries of the project, we hope that this will develop, the Municipality will develop, and that the new generations have a better future, that is the truth, also greatly empower the great iron disposition that President Andrés has had Manuel López Obrador, in the sense of saying, the dam goes and the dam has recourse, “he said.

Bustamante Hernández said that the work has been stopped due to issues of lawsuits filed by the community, but that the matter is already being worked on.

“I believe that with the wills of all parties, it will unblock soon; the reality as my colleague Bonifacio comments here is a necessity for the south, so that its economy can take off, we do not see it in any other way and that is the reality If we don’t have water, we won’t be able to be competitive, “he said.

Asociación de Productores y Exportadores de Mango - Inicia la cosecha de  mango en norte y sur del estado

This meeting was attended as representatives of Cesavesin, Porfirio Salas and David Beltrán Valdez; Ramón Rendón, president of the Agustina Ramírez Dam Committee; Máximo Guzman, representing the UARES and the CNC.


The Mazatlan Post