Mazatlan Dengue Prevention Campaign


Municipal Medical Services ensures that to avoid the formation of nests it is important to keep the home patio clean and free of utensils

Eliminar la acumulación de agua para que no se desarrolle el mosco del  dengue - Que pasa en Mazatlán

Mazatlán, Sinaloa. The best treatment against dengue is prevention, assured Alfonso Sandoval Sánchez, director of Municipal Medical Services.


The director of the Municipal Hospital “Margarita Maza de Juárez” urged citizens to self-care, and pointed out that in order to end the breeding grounds of the dengue-transmitting mosquitoes, there must be yards free of clutter

Se triplican casos de dengue en el municipio - El Sol De Mazatlán

He pointed out that there are currently 22 cases of dengue in the municipality, of which 14 are in the city and 8 in the rural area, some of these serotype 2, the most aggressive.

Dos niños mueren por dengue, en Mazatlán

He added that on Friday there will be a day of discharging in Colonia Rafael Buelna, where three suspected cases have been registered.


The Mazatlan Post