Four people executed at a party in Comalcalco, Tabasco


VILLAHERMOSA, TABASCO. (September 27, 2020) .- Two women and two men were murdered at dawn this Sunday, September 27th, at a party that took place in the Carlos Greene ranch in the municipality of Comalcalco, where last week another woman was executed along with her husband.

According to the next-door neighbors, the quadruple execution occurred around 3:00 a.m., when a group of gunmen arrived at the party in a gray Dakota pick-up truck and opened fire at will, killing two women and two men.

The hit men fled the scene and the bodies of the victims were left on one side of the road. So far, the motive for the murders is unknown and there are no detainees.

Comalcalco, Tabasco (Archive)

Last Saturday, September 19, a couple was executed in Villa Aldama, also in the municipality of Comalcalco, while they were boarding a taxi, by armed individuals who were traveling in a compact gray vehicle.

The woman died in the vehicle that took her to the hospital while the man died moments after receiving medical attention. There were no detainees either.

Source: Proceso

Tabasco Post