Young people are recorded having sex on emblematic letters of Culiacan


A young couple recorded themselves while having sex in the emblematic letters located in the first block of the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, next to the Our Lady of Rosario church, which has caused a stir in social networks, until now no authority has made their position known on this event

Two young people were videotaped when they had oral sex in the middle of the photographic location of the city of Culiacán.

Although the Tourism authorities seek to attract visitors with the photographic stops that are installed in various parts of the city and in syndicates, these two young people, so far unidentified, used this space located in the Álvaro Obregón square, just a few meters from the Cathedral, to have an intimate encounter.

In the first minutes of the video, a couple is observed in the photographic letters

Faced with the proposal of the young man to perform a sexual act in the place, the woman replies that no, because they will be arrested, but later agrees, undresses and sits on one of the letters.

Pareja se graba teniendo relaciones sexuales en letras emblemáticas de Culiacán

The man, in the middle of the public highway, at night or at dawn, practices oral sex on the woman.

Subsequently, the woman performs this same sexual practice on her partner.

Everything indicates that this video is published on an adult content site.

So far, it is unknown if these young people were arrested for this act.


The Mazatlan Post