Mazatlan registers 10 cases of dengue


Mazatlan is located in a high-risk area due to its proximity to Escuinapa, a municipality that tops the list with 19 cases

Authorities ask to dispose of pots in patios and clean land to prevent the reproduction of the dengue vector fly.

Mazatlán, Sin.- With 114 probable and 10 confirmed cases of dengue accumulated in the year, of which 8 are with alarm symptoms and 2 serious, Mazatlán is located in an area of ​​high risk of an outbreak due to its proximity to the municipality of Escuinapa that tops the list with 17 non-serious and 2 serious cases, according to the 2020 Dengue Epidemiological Outlook, issued by the Ministry of Health, as of August 3.

At the state level, 598 probable and 81 confirmed dengue cases are reported; of the latter, 55 are non-severe dengue, 21 with alarm symptoms and 5 cases of severe type of dengue.

In the comparison with respect to the same week last year, the municipality of Mazatlán exceeds the figure twice, registering 10 cases against 5 in 2019, while Escuinapa shows 2 more cases; Culiacán 22, and Ahome, Angostura, Navolato and Elota, which had no cases in 2019, reported 5, 4, 9 and 3 respectively, this year.

Week 31 corresponds to July 27 to August 2, which places Escuinapa and Angostura as municipalities in red, presenting an incidence rate for every 100,000 inhabitants of 27.8 and 8.11, with population projections 2010-2030.

The table shows the municipalities of Rosario and Elota in yellow, with an incidence rate of 7.43 and 4.55 per 100 thousand inhabitants; the rest of the municipalities appear in green, with an incidence of 0.97.

It should be noted that week 31 marks the beginning of the strongest season of dengue cases in the entire state of Sinaloa, according to historical records, whose peaks remain from week 39 to 47, from late September to late November.

Health authorities have expressed their concern with calls to the population to clean their yards of pots and thus prevent the reproduction of the vector mosquito, among them the undersecretary of medical attention, Víctor Hugo Sánchez Malof, the head of Vectors and Zoonosis in Mazatlán, Víctor Arredondo Rojas, and more recently, the director of municipal medical services, Alfonso Sandoval Sánchez.

Both some and others expressed that they plan to undertake a disposal program in higher risk areas, although they have not yet given a date for the start of the actions.

For now, the areas with the highest population density of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which is the vector that transmits dengue, Zika and chikungunya diseases, are monitored, including the Díaz Ordaz,, Mazatlán I, Constitución, Morelos, Olímpica, la Juárez, la Montuosa, el Centro, Pueblo Nuevo y la Sánchez Celis.

Fotos: Archivo │ El Sol de Mazatlán


Dengue no grave, 55

Dengue con síntomas de alarma, 21

Dengue grave, 5



2019: 28 casos

2020: 81 casos


2019: 412 casos

2020: 598 casos


Escuinapa, 19

Angostura, 4

Rosario, 4

Elota, 3

Culiacán, 22

Navolato, 9

Mazatlán, 10

Res of the state municipalities, 10


FUENTE: SINAVE/DGE/SALUD/Servicios de Salud de Sinaloa.

The Mazatlan Post