Say goodbye to plastics in Sinaloa!


Some say it’s difficult to find biodegradable or ‘environmental friendly’ products in Mexico, but the law of supply and demand will solve this situation eventually.

07 07 Plásticos de un solo uso Mazatlán eliminación de plásticos plástico unicel bolsas de plástico

The Anti-Plastics Law approved by the Congress of the State of Sinaloa in January 2020, could enter into force as of July 20.

07 07 Plásticos de un solo uso Mazatlán eliminación de plásticos plástico unicel bolsas de plástico

This reform to the Waste Law, which seeks to regulate the use, marketing, and distribution of all types of single-use plastics, will change the entire logistics system of companies and it will change our way of life too.

07 07 Plásticos de un solo uso Mazatlán eliminación de plásticos plástico unicel bolsas de plástico

The Plastics Law seeks to generate a positive impact on the environment, since millions of tons of single-use plastics are generated annually in Mexico, and a large percentage ends up in the ocean.

By 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

07 07 Plásticos de un solo uso Mazatlán eliminación de plásticos plástico unicel bolsas de plástico

Saying goodbye to single-use plastics, such as bags, straws, cups, and even Styrofoam products, will make people look for biodegradable alternatives.

07 07 Plásticos de un solo uso Mazatlán eliminación de plásticos plástico unicel bolsas de plástico

Many say those biodegradable alternatives are expensive, and the truth is that at the moment they are (especially in a country like Mexico), but as demand increases, the supply will increase and the products will become cheaper.

Source: Reacción Informativa

The Mazatlan Post