Acapulco exceeds expectations, reaches 23% hotel occupancy


Acapulco, Gro., August 2, 2020.- This first Sunday in August, hotel occupancy in the port exceeded expected expectations and registered a general average of 23 percent.

The Municipal Tourism Secretariat indicated that the area with the highest influx was Diamante with 25.6 percent, followed by La Dorada with 23.1 percent and 12.5 percent.

Meanwhile, condominium occupation by zones registers 34 percent in the Golden zone and 36 percent in the Diamond zone; occupancy in timeshare shows 6 percent.

The Municipal Government intensifies tours of beaches and recreational spaces, in coordination with the different agencies of Acapulco, in order to guarantee a safe stay for tourists and residents, in addition to verifying strict compliance with health protocols in hotels, restaurants and public spaces , to avoid contagion of COVID-19


The Mazatlan Post