People coming from the US to Sonora Mexico will be asked to return


July, 01 2020

Claudia Pavlovich indicated that she has already spoken with the Mexican foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, to speak on the subject of border closings.

HERMOSILLO, Sonora.- The governor of Sonora revealed that they will prevent the crossing of people from the United States to Mexico to prevent further increases in coronavirus infections.

Ā Americans planning to spend Independence Day in Mexico will have to make other plans. Sonoraā€™s governor is closing the border for anything but essential travel ahead of the holiday weekend

Claudia Pavlovich indicated that she has already spoken with the Mexican foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, to speak on the subject of border closings.

Claudia Pavlovich indicated that she has already spoken with the Mexican foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, to speak on the subject of border closings.

ā€œThere will be filters at the borders, to tell people that they cannot pass unless they come to something essential,ā€ said the Governor.

Pavlovich plans to place checkpoints at every single Mexican port of entry along the Sonoran border, including Nogales, San Luis Rio Colorado, and Agua Prieta.

Sheā€™ll also ban Americans from Sonoran Beaches. Seaside cities like Puerto PeƱasco and San Carlos

San Carlos

She added:Ā 

We are not going to take a temperature, you are simply going to ask people from the United States to return.ā€

Lastly, she indicated that Arizona Governor Doug Ducey ā€œunderstands very well and knows that the closure is not about conflicts, but that we want to avoid infections.ā€

Rocky Point declared safe for spring break travel | AZ Big Media
Rocky Point Closed to Americans

ā€œThe Covid-19 is a cruel and ruthless enemy that is waiting for people to neglect their self-care to attack them, so it is necessary to take all possible measures to combat it and one of them, at this time, must be to reduce border crossings for non-essential activities from the United States to Sonora, ā€œEnrique Clausen Iberri reiterated yesterday.

The Secretary of Health in the state affirmed that this virus will not ā€œsurrenderā€ until there is a vaccine, and while that does not happen, if people do not take care of themselves, there will be more infections and the number of deaths could be increasing, because it is a cruel and ruthless enemy that does not give up and does not allow to lower its guard.

ā€œIt is cruel and ruthless because it is causing many families to experience real nightmares.Ā Some, right now, have a loved one hospitalized, fighting for his life, and suffering from the uncertainty of not knowing if he will succeed.Ā It is cruel and ruthless because many doctors who are in front of battle, when arriving at their homes, with great physical and emotional wear, cannot hug their families for fear of infecting them, ā€œhe said.

For this reason, he said, ā€œit is important to put in place the measures that are necessary to protect the health of Sonorans and one of them at this time must be to Ban the US border crossing to Mexico for visitors who do not have essential activities what to do immediately and that is only allowed for commercial and labor reasons, as the US government has established for crossings that go from Mexico to the United States, ā€œhe said.

The Secretary of Health reiterated that he will make a request to the State Health Council to issue a formal request addressed to the General Health Council and the Ministry of Foreign Relations, ā€œto evaluate the relevance of applying a temporary restriction to non-essential visitors from the U.Sā€.

This, on the border that divides Sonora from Arizona and New Mexico, after the rebound in cases in those states.

Clausen Iberri thanked the women and men in the health sector who continue to fight on the first battlefront against Covid-19, caring for and protecting thousands of Sonorans.

Earlier, AmƩrica CastaƱeda ChƔvez, a nurse at the General State Hospital, who accompanied the transmission to the Secretary of Health, read the case update report on Tuesday and reported that 24 more deaths and 175 new cases of Covid-19 were registered in Sonora.

After expressing his condolences to the relatives of the people who lost their lives, he reported that the 24 deaths occurred in 14 men and 10 women between 23 and 92 years of age, residents of: Nogales, eight;Ā Hermosillo and Cajeme, four each;Ā Guaymas, two;Ā Ćmuris, Agua Prieta, Etchojoa, Caborca, Magdalena and Huatabampo, one each.Ā Symptoms began between May 13 and June 23 and died between June 07 and 30;Ā 11 were attended by the Ministry of Health, 10 at IMSS, two at ISSSTESON and one at ISSSTE.

With these 24 deaths, they total 894 since the start of the pandemic;Ā In addition, with the 175 confirmed cases, 8 thousand 708 cases are accumulated in Sonora.

The 175 cases occurred in: 101 women and 74 men residing in: Hermosillo 73;Ā Nogales 49;Ā Let me 22;Ā San Luis RĆ­o Colorado 12;Ā Puerto PeƱasco and Agua Prieta, four each;Ā Nacozari and Tepache, two each: Ɓlamos, NĆ”cori Chico, Fronteras, BĆ”cum, BaviĆ”cora, Magdalena and Granados, one each.

Among them two pediatric cases, in a 1-year-old boy and a 14-year-old adolescent, both residents of Hermosillo, with which they add 78 cases.Ā Also, one case was confirmed in a pregnant woman, a Hermosillo resident, which accumulates 76 cases of Covid-19 in pregnant women.

Of the 175 cases confirmed today, he said, 63 occurred in health workers: 31 from Hermosillo, 17 from Nogales, 11 from Cajeme, 3 from Puerto PeƱasco and one from Ɓlamos.


The Mazatlan Post