Reopening of food businesses will require health certification in Sinaloa


From hot-dog stands to large restaurants, they must take training and be evaluated

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Each business that sells prepared food in Sinaloa must receive training and evaluation to be entitled to a sanitary certificate that will allow it to operate in the New Normality.

The president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry of Mazatlán, Rodrigo Becerra Rodríguez , stated that this certification will be endorsed by the State Secretariat of Health and Tourism.

This is going to extend from the largest, full-service restaurant to the hot dog stand on the corner, everyone is going to be eligible for that certification, but it is obviously a process that will take time.

Becerra Rodríguez

He explained that each food stall and restaurant may be subject to sudden inspection visits to ensure that all preventive measures are being followed and that in the event of non-compliance, there will be two opportunities to correct them before the closure of the business.

We are being trained right now, we are working very hard on certification and that we all have the same guidelines and that the population of Mazatlán knows that we will be strictly monitored by Coepriss del Estado and by Civil Protection and by the Mayor’s Office of the City Council.

Becerra Rodríguez

Becerra Rodríguez indicated that once this certification is given, it means that you are ready to operate with certain restrictions and complying with health protocols, by the time the Covid warning light allows it.

In recent days, some restaurants and cafes have had a little more movement, since their main service has been breakfast, however, the sales hours have changed significantly, since it is during the afternoon-evening when diners arrive at the place but not to the desired capacity.


In the New Normal, food stalls and restaurants will be subject to sudden inspection visits to ensure that all preventive measures are followed.


The Mazatlan Post