Secretary of Economy says that Sinaloa is the eighth Mexican state that lost fewer jobs nationwide.
Mazatlán, Sinaloa (June 1st, 2020).- At a press conference, the Secretary of Economy, Javier Lizárraga Mercado, reported that in Sinaloa around 13 thousand out of 22 thousand jobs have been lost due to the health contingency due to Covid-19.
He stressed that Sinaloa has not fared so badly in the crisis due to the health emergency. He said that it is the eighth federative entity that lost less employment nationwide.

Lizárraga Mercado explained that in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the state of Sinaloa closed 2019 with a growth of 1.1 percent and will possibly fall by 5.5 percent.
Security protocols
The secretary explained that part of the economic sectors that return to operations will have to operate with specific security protocols.
Within the protocol, sanitary measures, such as hand washing, healthy distance, and in the case of businesses with more than 50 employees, they will have to take their personnel temperature periodically, in addition to the mandatory use of a mouth cover, that must be complied with.

He indicated that many companies have chosen to join new modalities such as online shopping platforms.
The official hopes to continue complying with the protocols in the coming months. He stressed that if all measures are applied, the economic sector outlook can be improved.
“As long as there is no vaccine, the problem due to the pandemic will not end”, said the secretary.

Javier Lizárraga Mercado said that the state governor, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, granted in early April 10 million pesos for the Impulso program, which will serve small and medium-sized companies.
This stock increased to 130 million pesos.
The payment terms went from 36 to 60 months to pay for the credit.
Source: Debate
The Mazatlan Post