The mayor of El Rosario, Manuel Antonio Pineda Domínguez, highlighted as one of the benefits of the work, the water supply for the population throughout the year

El Rosario, Sinaloa.- The Santa María dam is the hope of southern Sinaloa to detonate the municipalities of El Rosario and Escuinapa to increase their primary production, in addition to guaranteeing the inhabitants of the region the supply of drinking water, the president declared. Municipal Manuel Antonio Pineda Domínguez.

The municipality of Rosario explained that the town lives on agriculture, fruit growing, livestock and fishing; activities that are unfeasible without water and that with the flow of the vital liquid could generate agricultural production in two cycles with better quality vegetables and fruits such as mango, as well as more milk and meat.
“The dam is undoubtedly going to be the trigger for the sleeping monster that is called, to get ahead, we have large areas of land that in the rainy season demonstrate how productive our lands are.”
Pineda Domínguez emphasized that the hydraulic work represents hope with the guarantee of water for human consumption, since the municipality, as well as several regions of the planet, lives from a strong crisis due to water, especially in semi-arid areas where communities such as Old Plank, Plank I and II, in addition to the Rincón de Higuera.

The mayor mentioned that for years large sums of money have been invested in the construction of deep wells and other arts to provide water in El Rosario, however, with the arrival of times of drought, the levels fall and with it the affectation grows to the water tables.
“Those towns, the truth are lacking water, like some others here that are on the right and left banks of the Baluarte river, with this we are going to be able to constantly make the river have water and hence the mantles are fed, and that guarantees the extraction of water for human consumption ”.
He celebrated that the dialogue between the community members and the government has prevailed, where he won the dialogue that guarantees the jobs in the Santa María dam, which will also serve for the economic reactivation of El Rosario and the generation of jobs from its construction to its culmination with the boost it will give to the arrival of various industries in the area.
The Mazatlan Post