Despite Mazatlan Mayor allowing restaurants to open state health official overrule him


Coepriss warns that it will sanction and close restaurants that open their facilities to customers in the upcoming festivities

The regional coordinator, Miguel Ángel García Gómez, indicated that the Municipality does not have autonomy over public health situations, only for administrative and security situations.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Regarding the current controversy regarding restaurant operating permits for the upcoming festivities, the regional coordinator of the State Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Coepriss), warned that any restaurant that allows the entry to diners will be subject to a sanction, or even closure of the establishment.

Thus, Miguel Ángel García Gómez, pointed out that going against the above would mean going into contempt of the indications provided by the Ministry of Health and the Government of Sinaloa, which would have the consequence of facing criminal actions through the Public Ministry since these are measures orchestrated by the Health Security Council and the Governor himself, Quirino Ordaz Coppel.

“We as a health authority are going to suspend, close and apply security measures, in the event that we find any establishment that is in contempt of this agreement,” he said.

García Gómez pointed out that these indications correspond to a decision of the health council, where it is established that on May 9, 10, 11, as well as May 14, 15, and 16, various establishments, including restaurants, could only operate in the home service modality.

For this reason, he recalled that no municipal authority in Sinaloa has autonomy in matters of public health, but it does have autonomy in matters of a different nature, such as public services, public security, and administration.

“The Municipal Mayor talks about the autonomy of the municipality and may have it, but he has it only and exclusively in administrative matters, normalization of commerce, municipal public services, public security, but not so, he has never had it in matters of health public, this is a public health issue, “he said.

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The coordinator insisted that the main measure will be the suspension of activities of a certain establishment, followed by other actions such as lowering the light tablets, closing gas and water faucets, and only allowing access to do a site review, which It will be from the hand of the State Police or National Guard.


The Mazatlan Post