Video: Morena Senator’s daughter caught throwing a lavish party amid COVID Pandemic


ENSENADA BAJA CALIFORNIA.- Despite the contingency for the Covid-19, the daughter of Senator Gerardo Novelo Osuna, Ivana Novelo, organized a party in the Port of Ensenada, and used a helicopter to publicize the gender of her baby, breaking all the protocols recommended by the three levels of government.

Novelo is the senator from Morena who is alternate to the current Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez, in addition, he is the brother of the former mayor of Ensenada, Marco Antonio Novelo Osuna.

In a video broadcast on social networks, people dressed in white are observed; some of them with mouth guards. Subsequently, almost all hugged each other when a helicopter dropped a pink powder.

They denounce the party

An Ensenada association denounced the event on social networks , causing Ivana Novelo to cancel their accounts on these networks.

The Instagram account @stayhome_ens since April 9, 2020, began to incite the population to follow the recommendations to prevent Covid-19.

“Today we had a large number of reports from this event , where most of them were businessmen and direct relatives of politicians who have headed public office in our municipality,” said the account.

They will evaluate the topic

A spokesman for the senator reported in an interview that they are reviewing the issue, to see if they will issue any position.

The Director of Commerce, Alcohols and Public Shows, José Ángel León Zumarán, reported that they were denied access when they came to check the property,  owned by the Novelo family.

He noted that the agency in his charge did not receive a complaint or notification about a celebration on the property.

Covid-19 Baja California

In the last two weekends, over 70 gatherings or parties have been canceled in Baja California.

Between yesterday and today, Baja California registered 100 new positive cases for Covid-19, one of the highest figures in the State, which now totals 298 deaths, 9 of them in Ensenada, although the Municipality with the highest number of deaths is Tijuana with 203.


The Mazatlan Post