Historic San Miguel de Allende property converted to a Restaurant-Bar


In San Miguel de Allende a house classified as historical by the INAH will soon become a Restaurant-Bar the home dates from the 16th century

The remodeling of the historic property is progressing at giant steps. It is an address located on Hernández Macías street in the historic center of San Miguel de Allende. The old house-room was listed as Historical Property by the National Institute of Anthropology and History.

According to a Decree published in 1982 where it is declared as a zone of historical monuments in the city of San Miguel de Allende, state of Guanajuato, with the perimeter, characteristics, and conditions to which it refers; an area of ​​0.75 square kilometers located in the Historic Center of San Miguel de Allende

The address with number 91 (region IV block 8), located on Calle Doctor Ignacio Hernández Macías, is within the area marked as a Historical Monument of the Nation due to its construction characteristics between the 16th century and the 19th century.

The property was one of the constructions destined for the civil and military authorities, for educational and healthcare services purposes, and the majority of private use, in the aforementioned period of history.

It is unknown if the remodeling is following the architectural statutes set out in the Decree.

” ARTICLE 5o. – The constructions that are made in the zone of historical monuments of the city of San Miguel de Allende, State of Guanajuato, will be subject to the conditions established in the applicable legal dispositions, and in any case, any construction work, restoration or conservation in the area of ​​historical monuments, must be carried out upon request of the individual before the National Institute of Anthropology and History.

In the cases of works to be carried out in federally owned buildings, the Secretary of Human Settlements and Public Works will intervene in accordance with the Law of the matter. “

According to the News San Miguel portal, members of the city council in the period 2015-2018; David Jiménez Guillén , from the INAH in Guanajuato and Francisco García, from the Heritage in San Miguel de Allende allowed the change from a house to business. However, the neighbors have presented official complaints to Jiménez Guillén himself, due to the noise and inconvenience caused by the construction. In addition to a complaint of nonconformity for being the remodeling of a historic property that will soon become a consumer business. They justify that they have not respected the essential characteristics of the old construction.

Regardless of complaints from neighbors. Construction continues with the approval of the City Council and the INAH National Institute.

Source: guanajuato.lasillarota.com

The Mazatlan Post