Sayulita Nayarit Invaded by Giant Crabs


In Sayulita, the few fishermen who are still able to work due to the provisions of the health contingency have been met with great surprise. And it is that they have caught a spider crab or ‘giant crab’ from Alaska.

It is a crustacean that inhabits deep sea beds and can be up to 1.8 meters wide, with very robust pincers and limbs. According to the testimony of local fishermen, this is an unprecedented event, its been “many years ” that anyone has seen them on the shores of the Riviera Nayarit.

“People are kept in their houses for security measures by COVID-19, the changes in the ecosystem are being noticed, here in Sayulita this giant Alaskan crab was captured, a very rare species for the warm waters we have in Nayarit” , wrote the person who uploaded the photo.

And it was a photograph published on Instagram that gave evidence of the extraction of a spider crab in Sayulita, in the image a local fisherman holds it with both hands, easily measuring about 60 centimeters from end to end.

Spider crab is a highly valued delicacy in the seafood market. It is in the turbulent Alaskan seas that they are taken out by the tons with fishing boats that trap them in cages. They represent a global export product for the US fishing industry.

In Mexico, it is not at all common to find this kind of shellfish in waters and neither is it fished natively, although they are species that can migrate from coast to coast. The meat of this crab can be found from 600 pesos per kilo in our country.


The Mazatlan Post