CDMX: Vehicle ban will be applied to all cars and some Metro stations will be closed


MEXICO CITY. – After the entry of phase 3 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, tightened the prevention measures, which is why, as of Thursday, April 23, they will close 20 percent of the stations of the Metro, Metrobús and Light Rail, and the Hoy No Circula will be mandatory regardless of the type of hologram, except taxis, cargo transportation and people with disabilities.

closed stations

In a message broadcast on his social networks, he mentioned the five measures that his government will implement to avoid spreading and catching the virus and reducing mobility and crowds.

The first measure is that, as of Thursday, April 23, 20% of Metro, Metrobús, and Light Rail stations will be closed, and although it was not specified which ones, she announced that they will be “those that have very little demand today”.

Such action, he explained, will allow the speed and frequency of trains and buses to be increased in the stations with the highest demand, where more people gather.

“If trains and buses go faster, there will be less congregation of people,” she explained.

The second implies that measures will be established in coordination with the concessioned transport and the RTP to increase frequencies and avoid crowds.

The third point establishes as “mandatory”, as of Thursday 23, the vehicle program Hoy No Circula for all vehicles, regardless of their hologram. Taxis, cargo transportation and cars of people with disabilities will be excluded from the measure ”.

The capital’s government explained that taxis that provide service by online platforms do not fall within the measure, nor do motorcycles. While doctors and nurses must identify themselves with their credentials from the institution where they work in order to circulate.

According to Sheinbaum, this measure aims to “balance people’s essential outings on the days of the week”.

The fourth measure implies that the government will increase actions to sanitize spaces and public transport.

And the fifth announces that there will be “greater verification, more exhaustive of the companies that are not complying with the closure established in the declaration of the health emergency.”

The argument

The head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, explained that the new measures are due to the entry of phase 3, which means that the country and Mexico City “are entering a phase of faster increase in the number of coronavirus infections. In other words, we are entering the phase of greatest risk of contagion and for this, we must take even greater responsibility. ”

He mentioned that from Sunday, April 12 to Monday, April 20, people intubated by COVID-19 or suspected went from 265 to 529, which represents 35% of occupancy of the joint hospital capacity of all public and private institutions in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico’s valley.

For this reason, he reiterated that the call continues to be at home and to respect the healthy distance. And he reiterated:

“The city has a democratic vocation, there will be no curfew or fines for people. I will always appeal to the conscience, responsibility, and will of the inhabitants, of those of us who live in the city, and of those who visit us ”.


The Mazatlan Post