Mazatlan will have a no water in 20 neighborhoods on Monday, March 30th do you live in one of them?


The renewal of hydraulic networks and modernization of the avenue reaches its last phase

MAZATLAN SINLOA._ As part of the modernization project for the Rafael Buelna Avenue, this Monday, March 30, the interconnection of drinking water networks will be carried out at nine points on this road, which implies the closing of valves and, consequently, about 20 neighborhoods. of the area will have a shortage of vital liquid during the day, it is estimated to restore service at night.

“Jumapam is practically 100 percent of the work, what we need is to make interconnections at different crossings along the entire avenue; It is being scheduled for Monday at six in the morning to close the valves to interconnect the entire new line of the avenue ”, reported the architect José Daniel Tirado Zamudio, Construction Manager of Jumapam.

In this regard, the General Manager of Jumapam, the engineer Ismael Tiznado Ontiveros explained that the interconnections had been postponed so as not to be cutting off the water supply so recurrently, so it was decided to wait to have all the valve boxes finished and to do so. simultaneous the nine interconnections.

The interconnection works will cover practically the entire Rafael Buelna Avenue from the intersection with Jesús Kumate to the International Highway.

“We are going to cut the water supply and we are going to work on nine interconnections at the same time, including Kumate, Toreo, Marina, Toma de Torreón, Chihuahua, Las Torres and Carretera Internacional, which is the main one and once this interconnection remains, when opening the valves again and the entire new line begins to operate at 100 percent, “added Tirado Zamudio.

Due to the interconnection works, the affected areas will be the colonies López Mateos, Sánchez Celis, Francisco Villa, Jacarandas, Flamingos, Pueblo Nuevo, Hacienda del Mar, El Toreo, Infonavit Playas, Libertad de Expresión, Plaza Reforma, Rincón de las Plazas, Alameda, Fovisste Playa Azul, Infonavit Olimpo, Lico Velarde, Lomas de Mazatlán, Sábalo Country, El Cid, Gaviotas and all of Zona Dorada.


The Mazatlan Post