Due to COVID-19 preventive measures will be implemented on Mazatlan beaches


The paramunicipal Operadora y Administradora de Playas will seek coordination to limit bathers

Mazatlan, Sinaloa .- The head of the Beach Operator and Administrator, Jorge Contreras Núñez, reported that the paramunicipal is already taking preventive actions to limit the number of bathers in the beach area.

“The locals are already calling for public security to withdraw from the bathing areas, from the spas, but here is another issue, Mazatlán is the jewel in the crown in tourism, and the truth is the topic of visitors is very intense, “he said.

He argued that they will be dialoguing with tourism companies to make visitors aware of the recommendations by the health sector.

18 03 closure beaches mazatlan MZT coronavirus

“It is an issue that we have to take up with hotel companies, with gastronomic companies and with all service providers who make a living from tourism,” he said.

He concluded that the closure of beaches is not final before the Municipal Health Committee in Mazatlán, however, he said he contemplated prevention within Mazatlan municipality beaches which is 81 kilometers long.

18 03 closure beaches mazatlan MZT coronavirus

“Right now we are in prevention mode and the beach will not be the exception, the beach is a meeting place for many families and of course we have to get into the subject; we are going to look for allies in public safety, in hotel companies, in associations to avoid exposing ourselves to this risk, “said Contreras Núñez.

Mazatlan Municipality Coast

The coasts of the municipality extend over 81 kilometers and are made up of sandy sediments typical of the beaches, on the north-western flank of the municipality’s head is a formation classified as sandy sediment berms, the coastline is made up of gravel and conglomerates that form alluvial fans and slope deposits.

In the extreme south-west is the Laguna del Huizache (which occupies an area of ​​4,000 hectares (40.0 square kilometers)), which receives maritime influence through the El Ostial and Agua Dulce estuaries through a diversion channel that receives water from the Presidio River.

The municipality’s coastline is home to three fishing fields preferably dedicated to shrimp capture and, to a lesser extent, to scale fishing.

The cooperatives are distributed in the estuaries of La Escopama, Salinitas, El Veintinueve, Estero Urías, Laguna del Huizache.

Most of the islands in the municipality are made up of altered and deformed ignimbrites, rhyolitic tuffs and light-colored tuff sandstones.

Isla de los Pájaros is located between the extreme equatorial coordinates of 106 ° west longitude and 23 ° north latitude; its surface is 0.4 square kilometers, 1.1 kilometers long and a maximum and minimum amplitude of 800 to 650 meters respectively.

The Isla de Venados is located between 106 ° west latitude and 23 ° north latitude; its approximate length is 1,850 meters and a width that varies between 250 and 700 meters. It is bordered to the south by a smaller island, named Isla de Lobos (erroneously called Isla de Chivos). These 2 islands, together with the Isla de Pájaros are considered “The 3 Islands of Mazatlán”.

The Isla del Crestón located at the western end of the outer bay of Mazatlán, has a length of 700 meters and a maximum width of 800 meters. The Mazatlán Lighthouse is located on this island. To the northwest, about 3 kilometers away, some small islands rise, among which the “Hermano del sur”, and “Hermano del norte” (the first with 46.3 meters elevation) and the Roca de la Tortuga with 1.5 meters above sea ​​level at its highest spur.

Isla Chivos is similar in appearance to Crestón Island, it has a height above sea level of just over 50 meters.

The Isla de la Piedra is the most important within the municipality’s coastline, due to its dimensions it is the largest of all since it has 30 square kilometers of surface and measures approximately 14.5 kilometers long by 2.5 wide. Despite its name, Isla de la Piedra is a peninsula that connects to the mainland in the vicinity of the Mazatlán International Airport.

Source: reaccion informativa, es.wikipedia.org

The Mazatlan Post