Casinos, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs close in La Paz and Comondu Baja California Sur

  • his decision was proposed by the municipal president of La Paz Rubén Muñoz Álvarez, and was voted in favor by members of the Municipal Health Committee

The municipal governments of La Paz and Comondú, Baja California Sur decided to cancel massive public and private events, as well as temporarily close bars, nightclubs, and restaurants, in the face of the coronavirus contingency in the country.

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This decision was proposed by the municipal president of La Paz Rubén Muñoz Álvarez, and was voted in favor by members of the Municipal Health Committee.

He also proposed as a measure, to mitigate the economic effects that this tourist destination will have, the 50% discount to the rate of drinking water until the contingency passes, which will be taken by the Governing Board of Oomsapas. In the same way, he maintained that there will be flexibility for the collection of rights and uses from businesses.

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It will also request the support of the National Guard to protect the beaches in order to prevent people from concentrating in these places in the municipality.

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The representatives of the National Chamber of Commerce (Canaco), National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac), Chamber of Commerce, Services and Small Tourism (Canacope) and Association of Hotel and Tourist Companies of La Paz (Emprhotur ), supported the proposals, however, they agreed that the federal government does not have support for employers who must continue to pay wages to their workers.

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Among the proposals, he stressed that all mothers and fathers in custody of minor children who work in the City of La Paz, from Friday, March 20 to Monday, April 20, will work from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 in the afternoon this without opposing the corresponding rest period of Easter 2020. They will also be working with guards in both shifts in areas such as the collection boxes of the municipal Treasury and in the operational areas of the General Directorate of Services, Police Preventive and Municipal Transit and the Directorate of Civil Protection with the intention of not interrupting the service provided by citizens.


The Mazatlan Post