Los Cabos will increase its hotel occupancy by 30% this year


Los Cabos, Baja California Sur (BCS). “This season, the hotel occupancy of the municipality of Los Cabos could increase by up to 30%. Besides, the arrival of 590,000 tourists is expected by sea” , said the director of Economic Development and Tourism in Los Cabos, Fátima Miranda Castro.

“The high season closed with 70% hotel occupancy and 98% timeshare, however, we are considering an occupational growth of 20% to 30% for this season,” she continued.

Miranda Castro recalled that recently they opened 5 recognized chains hotels in Los Cabos, which represents about 2,400 new hotel rooms.

For the Spring Break 2020 season alone, a hotel occupancy of 70% is forecast and, on average, each tourist is expected to stay for an average 4 days, spending US$ 110 a day.

On the other hand, the arrival of 265 cruises is expected this year in Baja California Sur, which represents an total of 590,000 visitors; Of these, 30 of these ships will be stopping in Mazatlan during Spring Break.

“Spring breakers generally leave an extremely important spill; according to the Banco de México data, it is calculated that they spend between 60 and 110 dollars per day, ” she said.

In 2019, the arrival of 221 cruises was recorded, bringing foreign currency into different sectors of society in the port of Mazatlan.

“This increase in cruise ship arrivals for the current year is a proof that tourism promotion work and efforts to maintain the security and image of our destination are paying off,” concluded the director of Economic Development and Tourism in Los Cabos, Fátima Miranda Castro.

The Mazatlan Post