Cold Front number 41 will generate temperature drop in Sinaloa


The minimum for this week in Mazatlan will be around 14 degrees Celsius

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Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The 41st Cold Front has already entered Mexican territory, and will generate a slight decrease in temperatures for the northwestern part of the country, said Hugo Nordalh Valdés, head of the Conagua Meteorological Service in Mazatlan.

“It will cause a slight decrease in temperatures in the coming days, low probability of precipitation, and the winds for Sunday will be 15 to 25 kph with probable gusts,” he explained.


The phenomenon that is entering the northwestern area of ​​Mexico, will make the states of Baja California, Sonora and Chihuahua have slight lows in their temperatures, so Sinaloa could reach a maximum of 27 degrees Celsius.


Sunday: Maximum of 27 ° and minimum of 16 °

Monday: Maximum of 26 ° and minimum of 16 °

Tuesday: Maximum of 26 ° and minimum of 14 °

Wednesday: Maximum of 26 ° and minimum of 15 °

Thursday: Maximum of 27 ° and minimum of 15 °

Friday: Maximum of 27 ° and minimum of 16 °

Saturday: Maximum of 28 ° and minimum of 16 °

Source: conagua

The Mazatlan Post