Mexico produced 3,268 tons of bluefin tuna in the 2020 capture cycle


With observation and verification actions coordinated with the tuna industry of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, the Government of Mexico complies with the measures for the conservation and management of bluefin tuna.

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The National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (Conapesca) launched, in an unprecedented event, structured and innovative measures in the control of bluefin tuna fishing, which guarantees compliance with international agreements, in terms of legal fishing and tidy.

In compliance with the commitments of the Government of Mexico to promote the sustainability of the sector, as part of a culture that results in legal and orderly fishing, the bluefin tuna fishing season concluded without exceeding the catch limit.

At the end of the 2020 season of the tuna, a production of three thousand 268 tons was registered, which is a sign of the synergy between the Federal Government and the tuna industry, which carried out its actions without coordination.

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Mazatlan Tuna Fleet

Within the measures for the conservation and management of bluefin tuna, framed by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (CIAT), it was specified that Mexico would not exceed the catch limit of three thousand 268 total tons of the resource in the 2020 season. Eastern Pacific Ocean

The National Aquaculture and Fisheries Commission (Conapesca) successfully and unprecedentedly implemented well-structured and innovative measures in the control of bluefin tuna fishing, which guarantees full compliance with international agreements, especially in matters of legal and orderly fishing.

These actions include:

The presence of federal fishing officers assigned to Conapesca onboard all tuna vessels.

The follow-up of catches per set realized, in coordination with the observer program of the Research Trust for the Development of the National Program for the Use of Tuna and Protection of Dolphins and others around Protected Aquatic Species (FIDEMAR).

As a control measure to ensure strict compliance with the catch limit, Conapesca implemented a preventive technical stop at 80 percent of the catches, in order to avoid the risk of an overflow of the quota of extraction in this fishery.

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Mazatlan Tuna Fleet

These observation and verification actions, coordinated with the tuna industry of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, have contributed to the country’s fishery development and food sovereignty, promoting the orderly and sustainable use of the tuna resource.

The commitment to zero tolerance of any breach within the framework of the IATTC, include specific actions regarding national regulations, prevention and surveillance, and application of the Law.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through Conapesca, is assuming a proactive role in the strict compliance with conservation and management measures, which have been adopted by consensus in the IATTC for bluefin tuna, and which contribute and support a sustainable use of the tuna resource in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

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The IATTC convened to participate fairly, equitably and without exceptions in the adoption of conservation measures applicable to the bluefin tuna population throughout its geographical distribution; as a provisional step towards guaranteed sustainability of the resource.

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The Mazartlan Post