Mazatlan.- The new Mazatlan General Hospital “Dr. Martiniano Carvajal ”, is ready to receive citizens who require hospital care, general or specialized consultation in its new facilities, said Efrén Encinas Torres, secretary of Health of Sinaloa.

He informed that this Hospital will be a national reference because it has the best state-of-the-art devices in tomography, densitometry, ultrasound, radiology, mastography and fluoroscopy, so he invited the citizens to require him to visit his new facilities.

“I am addressing the entire population of our State of Sinaloa, particularly to the southern zone, to point out that the new Dr. Martiniano Carvajal Hospital is already operating in the outpatient areas, radiology area to provide the care that they deserve well; Come to our new hospital, you will always receive the warm and warm attention of our workers of the Ministry of Health, this is part of the promise made by our Governor, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, and we are fulfilling it, ”said Encinas Torres.

He stressed that with the hospital he has 120 overnight beds and 82 non-overnight beds and will have gynecoobstetrics, pediatrics, general surgery, internal medicine, and neonatology services. A total of 31 offices, specialty and emergency offices, vaccine cubicle. Colposcopy area, geriatric area, inhalation therapy unit. And it will have the capacity to offer 630 consultations daily, it is also incorporated into the Regional Transplant Program.

Likewise, the imaging service will have radiology, mastography-densitometry, ultrasonography and tomography; clinical analysis laboratory, electrocardiography cabinet, endoscopy unit with minor procedures room, blood transfusion center, pathological anatomy, emergencies

(two assessment offices and 2 shock rooms).

Also toco-surgery (1 expulsion room, 2 toco-surgery rooms), surgical block (3 operating rooms), intermediate care unit, adult intensive care unit, pediatric intensive care unit, neonatal intensive care unit, neonatal intermediate care unit.

Source: pmxportal
The Mazatlan Post