Is Mexico a more conservative country than the United States?


Thousands think that, by far, in most aspects, Mexico is still a very conservative country compared to the US. Not as much as it used to be, but still.

Some examples:

  • According to Wikipedia, 78% of the Country is catholic. Although most Mexicans are not hardcore followers of Catholicism (identify as Catholics but do not really follow it to the letter) still a lot of the customs preached by the church are followed.
  • Openly gay marriages are still uncommon in most cities. Few states have legalized gay marriages and even in those where is already supposed to be legal, some judges still refuse to perform them.
  • Drug use is not well seen among most people. Unlike in the US where of course the use of cannabis is legal and is common to see people from all backgrounds and ages using it, in Mexico is unusual to see someone using it other than young people and the bums or crooks. Some workplaces even perform routine drug tests and they will fire you on the spot if you happen to test positive.
  • Is less common than before, but family relationships are still very strong. Sons and daughters usually try to live close to their parents, at least in the same city. Unlike in the US where is common for kids to move far away even for college.

Mexico has legalized gay marriage and abortion meaning in terms of abortion, so many would say that Mexico is more progressive than the US. Why is that?

From what most people know most of Mexico is catholic and gay marriage and abortion are both big no-nos for the Catholic Church.

Also, for some types of evangelical Protestants like Pentecostals gay marriage and abortion are also big no-nos. So how did that happen?

What do you think?

With information from QUORA

The Guadalajara Post