83 thousand liters of stolen fuel seized on the Poza Rica-Tuxpan highway

Stolen Fuel Seized in Tuxpan (Photo: El Dictamen)

POZA RICA, VERACRUZ (February 5, 2025).- Around 83 thousand liters of fuel of illicit origin were seized on the Poza Rica-Tuxpan highway.

Through a joint operation between the National Guard, the Mexican Army, and state police, the authorities seized two tractor-trailers that they considered looked suspicious, so they stopped them.

The operation involved strategic points in the north of the state, and the trucks that were stopped were traveling from Veracruz toward Tuxpan.

“The drivers of both trucks could not prove, through the corresponding documentation, the legal origin of the transported hydrocarbon,” said the authorities.

Due to the report of the two tractor-trailers that were transporting stolen hydrocarbons, personnel from the Physical Security of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) also arrived at the scene.

One of the vehicles was carrying a total of 46,500 liters and the other 36,000, according to the security elements that were in charge of the arrests.

After the arrest, the drivers and the vehicles were placed under the custody of the Attorney General’s Office for the necessary investigations.

Source: El Dictamen

Veracruz Daily Post