In 2023, 261 Americans were deported from Mexico through Baja California


Little known fact, Americans also get deported from Mexico, something that happened 261 times during the year 2023, according to Mexico’s Institute of Migration in Tijuana.

In 2023 alone, 288 foreign nationals were deported out of Baja to countries such as Peru, Germany, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, but most were Americans.

In all, more than 17,000 people were deported from Mexico last year, with more than 2,500 from China alone. Another 1,500 were sent back to Uzbekistan.

Many on the list were Brazilians and from other South American countries.

Hundreds of African immigrants were also deported from Mexico to countries such as Mauritania, Guinea, and Ghana.

Russians and many Central American immigrants also found themselves being sent back home from Mexico in 2023.

Source: Fox News San Diego

Baja California Post