Another massacre in Huitzilac, Morelos; 5 dead confirmed by armed attack.
Around 7:15 p.m. on Monday, January 13th, armed men violently broke into a home on Benito Juárez Street in the San José neighborhood, Huitzilac municipality, and shot at those present.
The victims were attending a meeting that was being held between members of the Purple List that is competing for the Presidency of the Communal Property Commission.
The preliminary balance is 5 dead, including a woman; the attackers would have fled in two vehicles, including a black pickup truck.
There is a presence at the scene of elements of Sedena and the Morelos Police.
Otra masacre en Huitzilac; confirman 5 muertos por ataque armado
— José DÃaz (@JJDiazMachuca) January 14, 2025
Ya no verán las mentiras de @Claudiashein de los aviones no tripulados ni carros eléctricos.
Alrededor de las 19.15 horas de este lunes civiles armados irrumpieron violentamente en un domicilio de la calle Benito…