One dead after a Primera Plus bus overturns near Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco


A Primera Plus passenger bus from San Luis Potosí overturned near the southern bypass of Lagos de Moreno, in Jalisco, leaving one person dead and nine injured.

Upon arriving at the scene, the authorities and emergency services did not locate the driver of the unit, so it is unknown if he was among the injured taken to various hospitals or if he fled after the accident.

According to the first reports, the emergency services took the injured people to the Regional Hospital of Lagos de Moreno and to the IMSS clinic in the same district.

Regarding the fatal victim of the accident, the authorities have not revealed further details, since the identification of the body has been complicated because it was pressed between the remains of the truck; however, it is known that it is an adult man.

So far, the Primera Plus passenger bus company has not made any statements on any of its official channels regarding what happened, nor has it issued any statement in this regard.

Just last January 7, another bus of the same line overturned at kilometer 315 of the Western Highway, near the community of Caurio in the municipality of Villa Jiménez, Michoacán.

According to reports, it left La Piedad, Michoacán bound for Morelia, and on the way the driver lost control of the vehicle causing it to overturn.

Source: OEM

The Guadalajara Post