Once again, a landslide paralyzes the Orizaba-Puebla highway


Maltrata, Veracruz.- A new landslide of earth and rocks has caused the total closure of the 150-D highway, Orizaba-Puebla, in the direction of Puebla, leaving hundreds of drivers stranded and generating a long line of vehicles due to the incident, which occurred on Friday night at kilometer 231.

According to Caminos y Puentes Federales (Capufe), the landslide occurred in an area where, just last week, a similar incident had occurred with a large rock. On this occasion, just as a trailer was circulating in the area it was swept away by the landslide, fortunately without any leak of the chemical substances it was transporting.

Authorities have implemented a security and traffic operation to assist stranded drivers, who have been waiting for several hours for the highway to reopen since it was estimated that the work of removing debris and repairing the affected section could last up to 24 hours.

Due to the highway closure, there has been a heavy traffic load on federal highway 150, Acultzingo-Puerto del Aire, which is used as an alternate route, however, this situation has caused traffic jams and delays in travel times.

The low temperatures, rain, and fog in the area have made rescue and repair work difficult, so authorities recommend that drivers take precautions and stay informed about road conditions before starting their trips.

Source: Plumas Libres

Veracruz Daily Post