World’s ‘UFO Capital’ Roswell, New Mexico


Roswell is a city in southeastern New Mexico. It’s renowned as the site of an alleged 1947 UFO crash.

The International UFO Museum and Research Center has display panels and a library. Spring River Park and Zoo is home to native animals and an antique carousel.

The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art shows work from the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program. The Roswell Museum & Art Center focuses on southwestern art.

Roswell’s tourism industry is based on ufology museums and businesses, as well as alien-themed and spacecraft-themed iconography. The city also relies on New Mexico and Americana-related tourism including the International UFO Museum and Research Center.

Local American folk and New Mexico music performances occur near Pioneer Plaza and in parks around the city. It is a center for acequia-like irrigated farming, dairying, and ranching; it is also the location of several manufacturing, distribution, and petroleum-related facilities. Roswell has a history of minor-league baseball.

This regional pride has resulted in Roswell receiving the All-America City Award multiple times, in 1978–79 and 2002.

Source.- Mexico Pet Movers

The Chihuahua Post